Model Developer | Developer Rank | Model Rank | Model Rank By Developer | Elo Rating | Elo Rating By Developer | Family Friendly | Family Friendly By Developer | Submission ID | Parameters | Huggingface Repository | Variant | Number of Battles | Number of Battles By Developer | Win Ratio | Win Ratio By Developer | Type | Reward Repo | Best of | Max Input Tokens | Max Output Tokens | Model Architecture | Model Group | Date | Ranking Group | Thoughput | GPU Counts |
Marjovl | 1 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1099.97 | 1099.97 | 0.0 | 0.0 | jieliu-storm-7b_v1 | 7B | jieliu/Storm-7B | jieliu-storm-7b_v1 | 12403 | 12403 | 0.39 | 0.39 | basic | 4 | 512 | 64 | MistralForCausalLM | jieliu/Storm-7B | 2024-07-01 | single |