Shutdown handler not registered because Python interpreter is not running in the main thread
run pipeline %s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage MKMLizer
Starting job with name thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer
Waiting for job on thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer to finish
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ _____ __ __ ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ / _/ /_ ___ __/ / ___ ___ / / ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ / _/ / // / |/|/ / _ \/ -_) -_) / ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ /_//_/\_, /|__,__/_//_/\__/\__/_/ ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ /___/ ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ Version: 0.11.12 ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ Copyright 2023 MK ONE TECHNOLOGIES Inc. ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ The license key for the current software has been verified as ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ belonging to: ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ Chai Research Corp. ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ Account ID: 7997a29f-0ceb-4cc7-9adf-840c57b4ae6f ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ Expiration: 2025-04-15 23:59:59 ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ║ ║
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: Downloaded to shared memory in 31.366s
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: quantizing model to /dev/shm/model_cache, profile:s0, folder:/tmp/tmpe80j1yha, device:0
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: Saving flywheel model at /dev/shm/model_cache
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: quantized model in 37.640s
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: Processed model TheDrummer/UnslopNemo-12B-v4.1 in 69.007s
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: creating bucket guanaco-mkml-models
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: Bucket 's3://guanaco-mkml-models/' created
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: uploading /dev/shm/model_cache to s3://guanaco-mkml-models/thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/config.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16/config.json
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/special_tokens_map.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16/special_tokens_map.json
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/tokenizer_config.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16/tokenizer_config.json
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/tokenizer.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16/tokenizer.json
thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/flywheel_model.0.safetensors s3://guanaco-mkml-models/thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16/flywheel_model.0.safetensors
Loading 0: 0%| | 0/363 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Loading 0: 1%| | 2/363 [00:06<18:37, 3.10s/it]
Loading 0: 2%|▏ | 6/363 [00:06<04:58, 1.19it/s]
Loading 0: 3%|▎ | 11/363 [00:06<02:11, 2.67it/s]
Loading 0: 4%|▍ | 15/363 [00:06<01:23, 4.15it/s]
Loading 0: 6%|▌ | 22/363 [00:06<00:43, 7.76it/s]
Loading 0: 7%|▋ | 27/363 [00:06<00:31, 10.67it/s]
Loading 0: 9%|▉ | 32/363 [00:06<00:23, 14.10it/s]
Loading 0: 10%|█ | 37/363 [00:07<00:18, 18.03it/s]
Loading 0: 12%|█▏ | 42/363 [00:07<00:20, 15.37it/s]
Loading 0: 13%|█▎ | 49/363 [00:07<00:14, 21.63it/s]
Loading 0: 15%|█▍ | 54/363 [00:07<00:12, 24.62it/s]
Loading 0: 16%|█▋ | 59/363 [00:07<00:11, 27.58it/s]
Loading 0: 18%|█▊ | 64/363 [00:08<00:09, 31.30it/s]
Loading 0: 19%|█▉ | 69/363 [00:08<00:10, 28.73it/s]
Loading 0: 21%|██ | 76/363 [00:08<00:08, 35.69it/s]
Loading 0: 22%|██▏ | 81/363 [00:08<00:07, 36.70it/s]
Loading 0: 24%|██▎ | 86/363 [00:08<00:07, 35.53it/s]
Loading 0: 25%|██▍ | 90/363 [00:08<00:07, 36.37it/s]
Loading 0: 26%|██▌ | 94/363 [00:08<00:08, 30.59it/s]
Loading 0: 27%|██▋ | 98/363 [00:09<00:08, 31.16it/s]
Loading 0: 28%|██▊ | 103/363 [00:09<00:07, 35.21it/s]
Loading 0: 29%|██▉ | 107/363 [00:09<00:07, 35.42it/s]
Loading 0: 31%|███ | 112/363 [00:09<00:06, 38.20it/s]
Loading 0: 32%|███▏ | 116/363 [00:09<00:06, 37.96it/s]
Loading 0: 33%|███▎ | 121/363 [00:09<00:10, 23.88it/s]
Loading 0: 34%|███▍ | 125/363 [00:09<00:09, 25.73it/s]
Loading 0: 36%|███▌ | 130/363 [00:10<00:07, 30.56it/s]
Loading 0: 37%|███▋ | 134/363 [00:10<00:07, 31.99it/s]
Loading 0: 38%|███▊ | 139/363 [00:10<00:06, 35.23it/s]
Loading 0: 39%|███▉ | 143/363 [00:10<00:06, 35.43it/s]
Loading 0: 41%|████ | 148/363 [00:10<00:05, 38.92it/s]
Loading 0: 42%|████▏ | 153/363 [00:10<00:05, 39.80it/s]
Loading 0: 44%|████▎ | 158/363 [00:10<00:05, 40.42it/s]
Loading 0: 45%|████▍ | 163/363 [00:10<00:04, 42.58it/s]
Loading 0: 46%|████▋ | 168/363 [00:11<00:05, 36.29it/s]
Loading 0: 48%|████▊ | 175/363 [00:11<00:04, 43.63it/s]
Loading 0: 50%|████▉ | 180/363 [00:11<00:04, 42.73it/s]
Loading 0: 51%|█████ | 185/363 [00:11<00:04, 42.82it/s]
Loading 0: 53%|█████▎ | 191/363 [00:11<00:04, 40.36it/s]
Loading 0: 54%|█████▍ | 196/363 [00:11<00:04, 38.69it/s]
Loading 0: 56%|█████▌ | 202/363 [00:12<00:05, 27.67it/s]
Loading 0: 57%|█████▋ | 206/363 [00:12<00:05, 28.87it/s]
Loading 0: 58%|█████▊ | 211/363 [00:12<00:04, 32.17it/s]
Loading 0: 59%|█████▉ | 215/363 [00:12<00:04, 32.96it/s]
Loading 0: 61%|██████ | 220/363 [00:12<00:03, 36.39it/s]
Loading 0: 62%|██████▏ | 224/363 [00:12<00:03, 36.47it/s]
Loading 0: 63%|██████▎ | 229/363 [00:12<00:03, 39.01it/s]
Loading 0: 64%|██████▍ | 234/363 [00:12<00:03, 39.86it/s]
Loading 0: 66%|██████▌ | 239/363 [00:12<00:03, 41.03it/s]
Loading 0: 67%|██████▋ | 244/363 [00:13<00:02, 42.05it/s]
Loading 0: 69%|██████▊ | 249/363 [00:13<00:03, 34.04it/s]
Loading 0: 71%|███████ | 256/363 [00:13<00:02, 40.81it/s]
Loading 0: 72%|███████▏ | 261/363 [00:13<00:02, 41.11it/s]
Loading 0: 73%|███████▎ | 266/363 [00:13<00:02, 41.55it/s]
Loading 0: 75%|███████▍ | 271/363 [00:13<00:02, 43.34it/s]
Loading 0: 76%|███████▌ | 276/363 [00:13<00:02, 35.73it/s]
Loading 0: 78%|███████▊ | 283/363 [00:14<00:03, 26.67it/s]
Loading 0: 79%|███████▉ | 287/363 [00:14<00:02, 27.11it/s]
Loading 0: 80%|████████ | 291/363 [00:14<00:02, 29.03it/s]
Loading 0: 81%|████████▏ | 295/363 [00:14<00:02, 28.49it/s]
Loading 0: 83%|████████▎ | 301/363 [00:14<00:01, 33.86it/s]
Loading 0: 84%|████████▍ | 305/363 [00:14<00:01, 33.81it/s]
Loading 0: 85%|████████▌ | 310/363 [00:15<00:01, 36.43it/s]
Loading 0: 87%|████████▋ | 314/363 [00:15<00:01, 36.27it/s]
Loading 0: 88%|████████▊ | 319/363 [00:15<00:01, 39.35it/s]
Loading 0: 89%|████████▉ | 324/363 [00:15<00:00, 39.10it/s]
Loading 0: 91%|█████████ | 329/363 [00:15<00:00, 38.59it/s]
Loading 0: 92%|█████████▏| 333/363 [00:15<00:00, 37.30it/s]
Loading 0: 93%|█████████▎| 337/363 [00:15<00:00, 37.48it/s]
Loading 0: 94%|█████████▍| 341/363 [00:15<00:00, 36.25it/s]
Loading 0: 95%|█████████▌| 346/363 [00:15<00:00, 38.26it/s]
Loading 0: 96%|█████████▋| 350/363 [00:16<00:00, 37.47it/s]
Loading 0: 98%|█████████▊| 355/363 [00:16<00:00, 39.42it/s]
Loading 0: 99%|█████████▉| 359/363 [00:16<00:00, 38.12it/s]
Loading 0: 100%|██████████| 363/363 [00:16<00:00, 37.16it/s]
Job thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer completed after 94.51s with status: succeeded
Stopping job with name thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16-mkmlizer
Pipeline stage MKMLizer completed in 94.99s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage MKMLTemplater
Pipeline stage MKMLTemplater completed in 0.15s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage MKMLDeployer
Creating inference service thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16
Waiting for inference service thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16 to be ready
Inference service thedrummer-unslopnemo-76818-v16 ready after 180.73157501220703s
Pipeline stage MKMLDeployer completed in 181.22s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage StressChecker
Received healthy response to inference request in 2.6971595287323s
Received healthy response to inference request in 2.0117616653442383s
Received healthy response to inference request in 1.6287593841552734s
Received healthy response to inference request in 1.8987653255462646s
Received healthy response to inference request in 1.7374286651611328s
5 requests
0 failed requests
5th percentile: 1.6504932403564454
10th percentile: 1.6722270965576171
20th percentile: 1.7156948089599608
30th percentile: 1.7696959972381592
40th percentile: 1.834230661392212
50th percentile: 1.8987653255462646
60th percentile: 1.9439638614654542
70th percentile: 1.9891623973846435
80th percentile: 2.1488412380218507
90th percentile: 2.423000383377075
95th percentile: 2.5600799560546874
99th percentile: 2.6697436141967774
mean time: 1.9947749137878419
Pipeline stage StressChecker completed in 11.32s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyTriggerPipeline
run_pipeline:run_in_cloud %s
starting trigger_guanaco_pipeline args=%s
triggered trigger_guanaco_pipeline args=%s
Pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyTriggerPipeline completed in 0.73s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage TriggerMKMLProfilingPipeline
run_pipeline:run_in_cloud %s
starting trigger_guanaco_pipeline args=%s
triggered trigger_guanaco_pipeline args=%s
Pipeline stage TriggerMKMLProfilingPipeline completed in 0.63s
Shutdown handler de-registered
thedrummer-unslopnemo-_76818_v16 status is now deployed due to DeploymentManager action
Shutdown handler registered
run pipeline %s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyScorer
Evaluating %s Family Friendly Score with %s threads
%s, retrying in %s seconds...
Evaluating %s Family Friendly Score with %s threads
Pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyScorer completed in 5999.19s
Shutdown handler de-registered
thedrummer-unslopnemo-_76818_v16 status is now inactive due to auto deactivation removed underperforming models
thedrummer-unslopnemo-_76818_v16 status is now torndown due to DeploymentManager action