developer_uid: chace9580
submission_id: jic062-nemo-v1-1_v7
model_name: jic062-nemo-v1-1_v7
model_group: jic062/Nemo-v1.1
status: torndown
timestamp: 2024-10-31T01:53:25+00:00
num_battles: 9206
num_wins: 5069
celo_rating: 1271.75
family_friendly_score: 0.5738
family_friendly_standard_error: 0.006993619377689924
submission_type: basic
model_repo: jic062/Nemo-v1.1
model_architecture: MistralForCausalLM
model_num_parameters: 12772070400.0
best_of: 8
max_input_tokens: 1024
max_output_tokens: 64
display_name: jic062-nemo-v1-1_v7
is_internal_developer: False
language_model: jic062/Nemo-v1.1
model_size: 13B
ranking_group: single
us_pacific_date: 2024-10-30
win_ratio: 0.5506191614164675
generation_params: {'temperature': 1.0, 'top_p': 0.9, 'min_p': 0.05, 'top_k': 40, 'presence_penalty': 0.0, 'frequency_penalty': 0.0, 'stopping_words': ['\n'], 'max_input_tokens': 1024, 'best_of': 8, 'max_output_tokens': 64}
formatter: {'memory_template': '[INST]system\n{memory}[/INST]\n', 'prompt_template': '[INST]user\n{prompt}[/INST]\n', 'bot_template': '[INST]assistant\n{bot_name}: {message}[/INST]\n', 'user_template': '[INST]user\n{user_name}: {message}[/INST]\n', 'response_template': '[INST]assistant\n{bot_name}:', 'truncate_by_message': False}
Resubmit model
Shutdown handler not registered because Python interpreter is not running in the main thread
run pipeline %s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage MKMLizer
Starting job with name jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer
Waiting for job on jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer to finish
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ _____ __ __ ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ / _/ /_ ___ __/ / ___ ___ / / ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ / _/ / // / |/|/ / _ \/ -_) -_) / ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ /_//_/\_, /|__,__/_//_/\__/\__/_/ ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ /___/ ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ Version: 0.11.12 ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ Copyright 2023 MK ONE TECHNOLOGIES Inc. ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ The license key for the current software has been verified as ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ belonging to: ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ Chai Research Corp. ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ Account ID: 7997a29f-0ceb-4cc7-9adf-840c57b4ae6f ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ Expiration: 2025-01-15 23:59:59 ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ║ ║
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
Failed to get response for submission zonemercy-npc1-v1-pgqpsb_5352_v5: ('', 'read tcp> read: connection reset by peer\n')
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: Downloaded to shared memory in 538.311s
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: quantizing model to /dev/shm/model_cache, profile:s0, folder:/tmp/tmpa76b10eh, device:0
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: Saving flywheel model at /dev/shm/model_cache
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: quantized model in 35.439s
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: Processed model jic062/Nemo-v1.1 in 573.750s
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: creating bucket guanaco-mkml-models
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: Bucket 's3://guanaco-mkml-models/' created
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: uploading /dev/shm/model_cache to s3://guanaco-mkml-models/jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/special_tokens_map.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7/special_tokens_map.json
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/config.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7/config.json
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/tokenizer_config.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7/tokenizer_config.json
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/tokenizer.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7/tokenizer.json
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/flywheel_model.0.safetensors s3://guanaco-mkml-models/jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7/flywheel_model.0.safetensors
jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer: Loading 0: 0%| | 0/363 [00:00<?, ?it/s] Loading 0: 1%|▏ | 5/363 [00:00<00:11, 31.66it/s] Loading 0: 4%|▎ | 13/363 [00:00<00:06, 52.80it/s] Loading 0: 5%|▌ | 19/363 [00:00<00:07, 48.72it/s] Loading 0: 7%|▋ | 25/363 [00:00<00:06, 49.55it/s] Loading 0: 9%|▊ | 31/363 [00:00<00:06, 52.13it/s] Loading 0: 10%|█ | 37/363 [00:00<00:06, 49.09it/s] Loading 0: 12%|█▏ | 43/363 [00:00<00:06, 49.77it/s] Loading 0: 13%|█▎ | 49/363 [00:00<00:06, 51.52it/s] Loading 0: 15%|█▌ | 55/363 [00:01<00:06, 49.02it/s] Loading 0: 17%|█▋ | 61/363 [00:01<00:08, 37.14it/s] Loading 0: 18%|█▊ | 66/363 [00:01<00:07, 37.70it/s] Loading 0: 20%|█▉ | 72/363 [00:01<00:06, 42.22it/s] Loading 0: 21%|██▏ | 78/363 [00:01<00:06, 41.87it/s] Loading 0: 23%|██▎ | 83/363 [00:01<00:06, 41.70it/s] Loading 0: 25%|██▍ | 90/363 [00:01<00:05, 46.98it/s] Loading 0: 26%|██▌ | 95/363 [00:02<00:05, 45.76it/s] Loading 0: 28%|██▊ | 100/363 [00:02<00:07, 36.44it/s] Loading 0: 29%|██▉ | 106/363 [00:02<00:06, 40.63it/s] Loading 0: 31%|███ | 113/363 [00:02<00:06, 40.42it/s] Loading 0: 33%|███▎ | 118/363 [00:02<00:06, 40.21it/s] Loading 0: 34%|███▍ | 125/363 [00:02<00:05, 47.03it/s] Loading 0: 36%|███▌ | 131/363 [00:02<00:04, 47.72it/s] Loading 0: 37%|███▋ | 136/363 [00:03<00:05, 39.79it/s] Loading 0: 39%|███▉ | 142/363 [00:03<00:06, 33.39it/s] Loading 0: 40%|████ | 146/363 [00:03<00:06, 33.77it/s] Loading 0: 41%|████▏ | 150/363 [00:03<00:06, 33.29it/s] Loading 0: 43%|████▎ | 156/363 [00:03<00:05, 39.31it/s] Loading 0: 44%|████▍ | 161/363 [00:03<00:04, 41.01it/s] Loading 0: 46%|████▌ | 166/363 [00:03<00:04, 42.37it/s] Loading 0: 47%|████▋ | 172/363 [00:04<00:04, 41.97it/s] Loading 0: 49%|████▉ | 177/363 [00:04<00:04, 41.04it/s] Loading 0: 50%|█████ | 183/363 [00:04<00:03, 45.40it/s] Loading 0: 52%|█████▏ | 188/363 [00:04<00:03, 45.22it/s] Loading 0: 53%|█████▎ | 193/363 [00:04<00:03, 45.82it/s] Loading 0: 55%|█████▍ | 199/363 [00:04<00:03, 43.89it/s] Loading 0: 56%|█████▌ | 204/363 [00:04<00:03, 41.85it/s] Loading 0: 58%|█████▊ | 211/363 [00:04<00:03, 46.84it/s] Loading 0: 60%|█████▉ | 217/363 [00:05<00:03, 45.24it/s] Loading 0: 61%|██████▏ | 223/363 [00:05<00:03, 35.50it/s] Loading 0: 63%|██████▎ | 227/363 [00:05<00:03, 36.08it/s] Loading 0: 64%|██████▎ | 231/363 [00:05<00:03, 34.89it/s] Loading 0: 65%|██████▌ | 237/363 [00:05<00:03, 40.05it/s] Loading 0: 67%|██████▋ | 242/363 [00:05<00:02, 41.65it/s] Loading 0: 68%|██████▊ | 247/363 [00:05<00:02, 43.22it/s] Loading 0: 69%|██████▉ | 252/363 [00:05<00:02, 44.24it/s] Loading 0: 71%|███████ | 257/363 [00:06<00:02, 37.52it/s] Loading 0: 73%|███████▎ | 265/363 [00:06<00:02, 45.82it/s] Loading 0: 75%|███████▍ | 271/363 [00:06<00:02, 44.54it/s] Loading 0: 76%|███████▌ | 276/363 [00:06<00:02, 42.96it/s] Loading 0: 78%|███████▊ | 283/363 [00:06<00:01, 47.47it/s] Loading 0: 80%|███████▉ | 289/363 [00:06<00:01, 44.28it/s] Loading 0: 81%|████████ | 294/363 [00:06<00:01, 41.88it/s] Loading 0: 82%|████████▏ | 299/363 [00:07<00:01, 43.07it/s] Loading 0: 84%|████████▎ | 304/363 [00:13<00:23, 2.51it/s] Loading 0: 85%|████████▍ | 308/363 [00:13<00:16, 3.24it/s] Loading 0: 86%|████████▌ | 312/363 [00:14<00:12, 4.22it/s] Loading 0: 88%|████████▊ | 320/363 [00:14<00:06, 7.03it/s] Loading 0: 90%|████████▉ | 326/363 [00:14<00:03, 9.49it/s] Loading 0: 91%|█████████ | 331/363 [00:14<00:02, 12.05it/s] Loading 0: 93%|█████████▎| 338/363 [00:14<00:01, 16.92it/s] Loading 0: 95%|█████████▍| 344/363 [00:14<00:00, 20.73it/s] Loading 0: 96%|█████████▌| 349/363 [00:14<00:00, 24.08it/s] Loading 0: 98%|█████████▊| 356/363 [00:14<00:00, 30.71it/s] Loading 0: 100%|█████████▉| 362/363 [00:15<00:00, 33.07it/s]
Job jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer completed after 596.93s with status: succeeded
Stopping job with name jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7-mkmlizer
Pipeline stage MKMLizer completed in 597.56s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage MKMLTemplater
Pipeline stage MKMLTemplater completed in 0.19s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage MKMLDeployer
Creating inference service jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7
Waiting for inference service jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7 to be ready
Inference service jic062-nemo-v1-1-v7 ready after 131.52347254753113s
Pipeline stage MKMLDeployer completed in 132.23s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage StressChecker
Received healthy response to inference request in 2.0723440647125244s
Received healthy response to inference request in 1.8168761730194092s
Received healthy response to inference request in 1.792832851409912s
Received healthy response to inference request in 1.7397384643554688s
Received healthy response to inference request in 1.9854907989501953s
5 requests
0 failed requests
5th percentile: 1.7503573417663574
10th percentile: 1.760976219177246
20th percentile: 1.7822139739990235
30th percentile: 1.7976415157318115
40th percentile: 1.8072588443756104
50th percentile: 1.8168761730194092
60th percentile: 1.8843220233917237
70th percentile: 1.951767873764038
80th percentile: 2.0028614521026613
90th percentile: 2.037602758407593
95th percentile: 2.0549734115600584
99th percentile: 2.068869934082031
mean time: 1.881456470489502
Pipeline stage StressChecker completed in 11.10s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyTriggerPipeline
run_pipeline:run_in_cloud %s
starting trigger_guanaco_pipeline args=%s
triggered trigger_guanaco_pipeline args=%s
Pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyTriggerPipeline completed in 3.28s
Shutdown handler de-registered
jic062-nemo-v1-1_v7 status is now deployed due to DeploymentManager action
Shutdown handler registered
run pipeline %s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyScorer
Evaluating %s Family Friendly Score with %s threads
Pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyScorer completed in 2562.10s
Shutdown handler de-registered
jic062-nemo-v1-1_v7 status is now inactive due to auto deactivation removed underperforming models
jic062-nemo-v1-1_v7 status is now torndown due to DeploymentManager action
Generation Params
Prompt Formatter
Chat History
ChatMessage 1