developer_uid: chai_backend_admin
submission_id: function_mosan_2024-11-14
model_name: retune_with_base
status: torndown
timestamp: 2024-11-14T19:31:50+00:00
num_battles: 10312
num_wins: 5689
celo_rating: 1284.53
family_friendly_score: 0.585
family_friendly_standard_error: 0.00696814178960216
submission_type: function
display_name: retune_with_base
is_internal_developer: True
ranking_group: single
us_pacific_date: 2024-11-14
win_ratio: 0.5516873545384019
generation_params: {'temperature': 0.9, 'top_p': 0.9, 'min_p': 0.05, 'top_k': 80, 'presence_penalty': 0.5, 'frequency_penalty': 0.5, 'stopping_words': ['\n', '</s>'], 'max_input_tokens': 1024, 'best_of': 8, 'max_output_tokens': 64}
formatter: {'memory_template': "{bot_name}'s Persona: {memory}\n####\n", 'prompt_template': '{prompt}\n<START>\n', 'bot_template': '{bot_name}: {message}\n', 'user_template': '{user_name}: {message}\n', 'response_template': '{bot_name}:', 'truncate_by_message': False}
Resubmit model
Shutdown handler not registered because Python interpreter is not running in the main thread
run pipeline %s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage StressChecker
Received healthy response to inference request in 2.9005074501037598s
Received healthy response to inference request in 3.4604074954986572s
Connection pool is full, discarding connection: %s. Connection pool size: %s
Received healthy response to inference request in 3.988570213317871s
Received healthy response to inference request in 2.226027011871338s
Received healthy response to inference request in 2.962618350982666s
5 requests
0 failed requests
5th percentile: 2.360923099517822
10th percentile: 2.4958191871643067
20th percentile: 2.7656113624572756
30th percentile: 2.912929630279541
40th percentile: 2.9377739906311033
50th percentile: 2.962618350982666
60th percentile: 3.1617340087890624
70th percentile: 3.360849666595459
80th percentile: 3.5660400390625
90th percentile: 3.7773051261901855
95th percentile: 3.8829376697540283
99th percentile: 3.9674437046051025
mean time: 3.1076261043548583
Pipeline stage StressChecker completed in 17.16s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyTriggerPipeline
run_pipeline:run_in_cloud %s
starting trigger_guanaco_pipeline args=%s
triggered trigger_guanaco_pipeline args=%s
Pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyTriggerPipeline completed in 2.84s
Shutdown handler de-registered
function_mosan_2024-11-14 status is now deployed due to DeploymentManager action
Shutdown handler registered
run pipeline %s
run pipeline stage %s
Running pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyScorer
Evaluating %s Family Friendly Score with %s threads
Pipeline stage OfflineFamilyFriendlyScorer completed in 3148.12s
Shutdown handler de-registered
function_mosan_2024-11-14 status is now inactive due to auto deactivation removed underperforming models
function_mosan_2024-11-14 status is now torndown due to DeploymentManager action