submission_id: cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4_v1
developer_uid: shiroe40
alignment_samples: 12415
alignment_score: -0.861722291046536
best_of: 16
celo_rating: 1238.78
display_name: auto
formatter: {'memory_template': "<|begin_of_text|><|start_header_id|>system<|end_header_id|>\n\n{bot_name}'s Persona: {memory}\n\n", 'prompt_template': '{prompt}<|eot_id|>', 'bot_template': '<|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>\n\n{bot_name}: {message}<|eot_id|>', 'user_template': '<|start_header_id|>user<|end_header_id|>\n\n{user_name}: {message}<|eot_id|>', 'response_template': '<|start_header_id|>assistant<|end_header_id|>\n\n{bot_name}:', 'truncate_by_message': False}
generation_params: {'temperature': 1.0, 'top_p': 0.9, 'min_p': 0.05, 'top_k': 80, 'presence_penalty': 0.0, 'frequency_penalty': 0.0, 'stopping_words': ['<|end_header_id|>', '<|eot_id|>'], 'max_input_tokens': 512, 'best_of': 16, 'max_output_tokens': 64}
is_internal_developer: False
language_model: cycy233/L3-e-v4-c4
max_input_tokens: 512
max_output_tokens: 64
model_architecture: LlamaForCausalLM
model_group: cycy233/L3-e-v4-c4
model_name: auto
model_num_parameters: 8030261248.0
model_repo: cycy233/L3-e-v4-c4
model_size: 8B
num_battles: 12415
num_wins: 6315
propriety_score: 0.7223198594024605
propriety_total_count: 1138.0
ranking_group: single
status: torndown
submission_type: basic
timestamp: 2024-08-21T08:19:00+00:00
us_pacific_date: 2024-08-21
win_ratio: 0.5086588803866291
Download Preference Data
Resubmit model
Running pipeline stage MKMLizer
Starting job with name cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer
Waiting for job on cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer to finish
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ _____ __ __ ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ / _/ /_ ___ __/ / ___ ___ / / ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ / _/ / // / |/|/ / _ \/ -_) -_) / ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ /_//_/\_, /|__,__/_//_/\__/\__/_/ ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ /___/ ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ Version: 0.9.11 ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ Copyright 2023 MK ONE TECHNOLOGIES Inc. ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ The license key for the current software has been verified as ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ belonging to: ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ Chai Research Corp. ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ Account ID: 7997a29f-0ceb-4cc7-9adf-840c57b4ae6f ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ Expiration: 2024-10-15 23:59:59 ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ║ ║
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: quantized model in 25.764s
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: Processed model cycy233/L3-e-v4-c4 in 62.011s
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: creating bucket guanaco-mkml-models
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: Bucket 's3://guanaco-mkml-models/' created
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: uploading /dev/shm/model_cache to s3://guanaco-mkml-models/cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/config.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1/config.json
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/special_tokens_map.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1/special_tokens_map.json
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/tokenizer_config.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1/tokenizer_config.json
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/tokenizer.json s3://guanaco-mkml-models/cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1/tokenizer.json
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: cp /dev/shm/model_cache/flywheel_model.0.safetensors s3://guanaco-mkml-models/cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1/flywheel_model.0.safetensors
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer: Loading 0: 0%| | 0/291 [00:00<?, ?it/s] Loading 0: 2%|▏ | 5/291 [00:00<00:07, 36.93it/s] Loading 0: 5%|▍ | 14/291 [00:00<00:05, 49.53it/s] Loading 0: 8%|▊ | 23/291 [00:00<00:05, 52.99it/s] Loading 0: 11%|█ | 32/291 [00:00<00:04, 55.15it/s] Loading 0: 14%|█▍ | 41/291 [00:00<00:04, 55.29it/s] Loading 0: 17%|█▋ | 50/291 [00:00<00:04, 54.90it/s] Loading 0: 20%|██ | 59/291 [00:01<00:04, 54.94it/s] Loading 0: 23%|██▎ | 68/291 [00:01<00:04, 54.36it/s] Loading 0: 26%|██▌ | 76/291 [00:01<00:03, 59.58it/s] Loading 0: 29%|██▊ | 83/291 [00:01<00:04, 42.05it/s] Loading 0: 30%|███ | 88/291 [00:01<00:04, 41.70it/s] Loading 0: 33%|███▎ | 95/291 [00:01<00:04, 42.22it/s] Loading 0: 36%|███▌ | 104/291 [00:02<00:04, 45.92it/s] Loading 0: 38%|███▊ | 112/291 [00:02<00:03, 52.51it/s] Loading 0: 41%|████ | 118/291 [00:02<00:03, 50.43it/s] Loading 0: 43%|████▎ | 124/291 [00:02<00:03, 51.48it/s] Loading 0: 45%|████▍ | 130/291 [00:02<00:03, 53.33it/s] Loading 0: 47%|████▋ | 136/291 [00:02<00:03, 50.19it/s] Loading 0: 49%|████▉ | 142/291 [00:02<00:02, 50.93it/s] Loading 0: 51%|█████ | 149/291 [00:02<00:02, 47.67it/s] Loading 0: 54%|█████▍ | 157/291 [00:03<00:02, 54.90it/s] Loading 0: 56%|█████▌ | 163/291 [00:03<00:02, 52.41it/s] Loading 0: 58%|█████▊ | 169/291 [00:03<00:02, 53.02it/s] Loading 0: 61%|██████ | 177/291 [00:03<00:02, 53.53it/s] Loading 0: 63%|██████▎ | 183/291 [00:03<00:02, 53.05it/s] Loading 0: 65%|██████▍ | 189/291 [00:03<00:02, 35.35it/s] Loading 0: 67%|██████▋ | 194/291 [00:04<00:02, 37.76it/s] Loading 0: 70%|██████▉ | 203/291 [00:04<00:02, 43.05it/s] Loading 0: 73%|███████▎ | 211/291 [00:04<00:01, 50.69it/s] Loading 0: 75%|███████▍ | 217/291 [00:04<00:01, 49.08it/s] Loading 0: 77%|███████▋ | 223/291 [00:04<00:01, 50.15it/s] Loading 0: 79%|███████▊ | 229/291 [00:04<00:01, 52.52it/s] Loading 0: 81%|████████ | 235/291 [00:04<00:01, 50.12it/s] Loading 0: 83%|████████▎ | 241/291 [00:04<00:00, 51.16it/s] Loading 0: 85%|████████▌ | 248/291 [00:05<00:00, 47.56it/s] Loading 0: 88%|████████▊ | 256/291 [00:05<00:00, 54.11it/s] Loading 0: 90%|█████████ | 262/291 [00:05<00:00, 51.24it/s] Loading 0: 92%|█████████▏| 268/291 [00:05<00:00, 51.17it/s] Loading 0: 94%|█████████▍| 274/291 [00:05<00:00, 52.93it/s] Loading 0: 96%|█████████▌| 280/291 [00:05<00:00, 50.16it/s] Loading 0: 98%|█████████▊| 286/291 [00:05<00:00, 46.13it/s] Loading 0: 100%|██████████| 291/291 [00:11<00:00, 3.44it/s]
Job cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer completed after 85.88s with status: succeeded
Stopping job with name cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1-mkmlizer
Pipeline stage MKMLizer completed in 87.09s
Running pipeline stage MKMLKubeTemplater
Pipeline stage MKMLKubeTemplater completed in 0.11s
Running pipeline stage ISVCDeployer
Creating inference service cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1
Waiting for inference service cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1 to be ready
Inference service cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4-v1 ready after 242.8297519683838s
Pipeline stage ISVCDeployer completed in 243.45s
Running pipeline stage StressChecker
Received healthy response to inference request in 2.6807730197906494s
Received healthy response to inference request in 1.846329927444458s
Received healthy response to inference request in 1.8184449672698975s
Received healthy response to inference request in 1.7254669666290283s
Received healthy response to inference request in 2.0929911136627197s
5 requests
0 failed requests
5th percentile: 1.744062566757202
10th percentile: 1.762658166885376
20th percentile: 1.7998493671417237
30th percentile: 1.8240219593048095
40th percentile: 1.8351759433746337
50th percentile: 1.846329927444458
60th percentile: 1.9449944019317627
70th percentile: 2.0436588764190673
80th percentile: 2.210547494888306
90th percentile: 2.4456602573394775
95th percentile: 2.563216638565063
99th percentile: 2.6572617435455324
mean time: 2.0328011989593504
Pipeline stage StressChecker completed in 11.11s
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4_v1 status is now deployed due to DeploymentManager action
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4_v1 status is now inactive due to auto deactivation removed underperforming models
cycy233-l3-e-v4-c4_v1 status is now torndown due to DeploymentManager action

Usage Metrics

Latency Metrics